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Agreement on Guidelines Concerning Work Related Stress - Allianz DE


Allianz SE

Date of signature

03 May 2011


Allianz SE, SE Works Council

Key objectives

“The Allianz Group undertakes to look after the safety of its employees at work and to ensure that their health is protected on a lasting basis. Employees also have an obligation to work with Allianz to help ensure this goal can be achieved.
The aim of this Agreement is to increase the awareness of employers and employees alike of the subject of “work-related stress”, so that any problems it may cause can be detected, avoided and reduced at as early a stage as possible.”



Applicable law

“This agreement is valid unless the issue concerned is regulated by peremptory norms of national law in the EU or the contracting states of the EEA or of Switzerland.”

Implementation and dissemination

“For this, risk assessments in accordance of articles 6 and 9 of directive 89/391/EEC will be carried out on a regular basis. Examples of how to comply with this Agreement in respect of these risk assessments are given in Appendix 1.
Consultation and participation of workers will take place in accordance with article 11 of directive 89/391/EEC. Examples of how to comply with this Agreement in respect to the consultation and participation of workers are given in Appendix 2. (…)
The companies of the Allianz Group are responsible for implementing this agreement in their own business areas. The Executive Staff assume a special role.”

Review and monitoring

“Two years after the date of signature of this Agreement the companies of the Allianz Group will be asked to provide a report on the actions taken to implement the principles of this agreement. Thereafter, regular on-going joint reviews of the activities covered by this agreement will also be carried out to ensure best practice applications can be shared.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Main topic

work related stress, health and safety.

Secondary topic(s)
