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International Framework Agreement on Social Responsibility and promotion of Employees' Rights at Wilkhan



Date of signature

13 February 2009


Management, works council, IG Metall (Metal Workers Union) managing board, Building and Woodworkers International (BWI)

Key objectives

"With this agreement, Wilkhahn undertakes to ensure employment and working conditions at its production sites and in its distribution companies that at least comply with the conventions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Furthermore, Wilkhahn undertakes to conclude agreements with its licence partners and suppliers to ensure their compliance with these principles.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The management of each company shall be responsible for compliance with the principles. [...] Wilkhahn shall appoint a management representative for this agreement.”

“The agreement shall be made public to the employees at all locations in the language of the country respectively.”

Review and monitoring

“Internal audits
Compliance with this agreement shall be controlled every three years through internal audits of Wilkhahn companies. The result shall be reported to the company's management representative.”
“External audits
A monitoring committee equally made up of representatives from the management of Wilkhahn, Wilkening und Hahne GmbH + Co. KG, the works council and IG Metall and BWI shall monitor the implementation of this agreement. The committee shall meet annually and include the local partners. An audit shall be carried out every three years at a Wilkhahn company, a licence partner or a supplier. BWI may make it possible for the unions at the respective location to participate in the meetings of the monitoring committee. The participants shall receive all the necessary information in order to carry out their mandate. Wilkhahn shall bear the costs of the external audit.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“Issues of conflict which are not able to be resolved on site shall be passed on to the monitoring committee that will examine the facts and circumstances and propose appropriate measures.”

“Issues of conflict which are not able to be resolved on site shall be passed on to the monitoring committee that will examine the facts and circumstances and propose appropriate measures.”

Related texts

“Annex 1: Overview of Wilkhahn's production companies and licence partners”
“Annex 2: Implementation of monitoring procedure”

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

right to organise and bargain collectively, child labour, forced labour, discrimination, health and safety, fair remuneration, working time limits, sustainability.
