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Agreement signed between Royal Volker Wessels Stevin NV and the Building and Wood Workers International (BWI) to promote and protect worker's rights



Date of signature

22 January 2007


Royal Volker Wessels Stevin nv Building, Wood Workers International (BWI)

Key objectives

“Recognising the need for open and democratic industrial relations and fair collective bargaining procedures with representative trade unions […]; acknowledging the need to observe the fundamental principles of Human Rights […] [Royal Volker Wessels Stevin nv and the BWI] commit themselves to work in this direction to achieve social justice and sustainable development in the activities and undertakings of VolkerWessels and its contractors, subcontractors and suppliers. In this spirit VolkerWessels and the BWI shall work together to verify the effective application by all VolkerWessels activities and undertakings of the following social criteria.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“VolkerWessels will provide information concerning this agreement in both written (in the local language and/or dialect) and verbal form at all work sites.”

Review and monitoring

"A monitoring group is set up, composed of representatives of VolkerWessels and BWI. It will meet at least once a year, or when necessary, to evaluate and review the implementation of the agreement. […] VolkerWessels will make the necessary resources available for the work of the monitoring group. The annual review of the present agreement shall be incorporated into VolkerWessels annual reporting with the consent of the signatories.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“Signatories agree that any difference arising from the interpretation or implementation of this agreement will be examined jointly, for the purpose of making recommendations to the signatory concerned.”

Main topic

Fundamental labour  rights,

Secondary topic(s)

child labour, forced labour, no discrimination, right to organise and bargain collectively, minimum wages, working time limits, training, decent working conditions.
