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Triumph International's Code of Conduct



Date of signature

12 December 2001


Triumph International, Euro Works Council, European Regional Organisation of the ITGLWF/IG Metall

Key objectives

“Both parties emphasise the paramount importance of the protection of human rights […] TRIUMPH INTERNATIONAL commits itself to follow the minimum standards and recommendations listed below.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“TRIUMPH INTERNATIONAL commits itself to take the necessary steps for the implementation of the Code of Conduct; by:
- establishing where responsibility belongs within the Company on all questions in connection with the Code of Conduct […]
- integrating into all contracts with contractors and suppliers as well as licensees the duty to keep to the Code of Conduct and all its regulations.”

""TRIUMPH INTERNATIONAL commits itself to take the necessary steps for the implementation of the Code of Conduct; by: […]
- instructing in particular supervisors and operational employee representatives in a suitable way regarding the contents of the described standards, recommendations and aims.
- ensuring that all employees know the Code of Conduct. For this purpose TRIUMPH INTERNATIONAL will instigate that the Code of Conduct is translated into the relevant language of each country and displayed in each respective factory and explained to employees in an understandable way.
product management briefing and informing contractors and suppliers regarding the contents of the Code of Conduct.”

Review and monitoring

“TRIUMPH INTERNATIONAL, the European Works Council and the EGV/TBL are setting up a committee for the supervision of the regulations of this Code of Conduct. TRIUMPH INTERNATIONAL is sending 2 representatives to this Monitoring Committee, likewise the Euro-Works Council 2 representatives and EGV/TBL 2 representatives. The committee dictates the tasks and authority of the Monitoring Committee according to the principle of unanimity.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

right to organise and bargain collectively, child labour, forced labour, discrimination, appropriate wage and financial participation, health and safety, working time limits.
