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European agreement on equal opportunity - Total



Date of signature

21 November 2005


Director of Human Resources and Communications for Total SA, EMCEF, CEC/FECCIA, FECER

Key objectives

“Aware of the need to privilege, develop and guarantee diversity and equality of treatment, the Total Group General Management and the European Labour Federations restate their attachment to the general principles of non-discrimination and equality of opportunity from recruitment to the end of the professional life of employees working within the different entities of the Group, while also recognising the place of trade union involvement and private life. (…)
The objective of this agreement is to confirm the pledges made in these areas and to develop new means that allow guaranteeing a greater diversity and equality of treatment. (…)
This agreement, which tackles the issue of non-discrimination, will initially be devoted primarily to women and handicapped persons.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“Dialogue is confirmed as the tool for implementing the agreement. As such, a working group has been created in order to monitor the evolution of salary discrepancies and a European social scoreboard is being prepared in order to be able to assess the evolution of the balance between personal life / professional life. The efforts regarding this latter point will begin within 18 months.
The extensions of the actions decided upon by the European Trade Union Federations and by the Total Group General Management may be implemented on the level of the companies, notably in the event of difficulties that might arise with regard to mobility operations.”

“The present agreement will be filed with the Departmental Work and Employment Service to which the TOTAL Head office reports, as well as with the Clerk of the Nanterre Prud’hommes Council and with the European Commission in Brussels (DG EMPLOYMENT, SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY).”

Review and monitoring

“An annual synopsis on equal opportunity will be drafted and examined once each year by the European Works Council. This synopsis must allow the European Works Council members to:
- ensure the absence of discrimination in the order of classifications and positions,
- carry out a regular examination of the changes to salaries between men/women by department (evolution by coefficient or classification of the positions),
- draft an annual report on the actions carried out in order to limit horizontal and vertical segregation,
- examine the actions to carry out in order to ensure that periods of maternity leave do not weigh on the evolution of the salaries and careers of women.
The role of the exchanges and of the social dialogue between the European trade union federations and the Management is reiterated, notably with regard to:
- “trade forums”, through involvement in events,
- the orientation of trainees, with a description of the diversity of the trainees,
- the information relative to the measures taken in terms of recruiting, with the presentation of indicators,
- the preparation of an overall objective in order to allow women to access “technical and scientific trade”.

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

European agreement – social platform (2005)
European agreement – assistance in creation, purchase or development of small and medium sized businesses (2007)

Main topic

Equal opportunity and non discrimination (sex and handicap),

Secondary topic(s)

recruitment (employment, internships), fair career development, mobility, work-life balance, equal pay, aAccess to professional training.
