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Total European agreement – social platform



Date of signature

22 November 2004


Director of Human Resources and Communications for Total SA, EMCEF, CEC/FECCIA, FECER

Key objectives

“Thanks to social dialogue, the major principles and basic general guidelines will be set to so as to establish, maintain and develop a social and economic balance that takes into account the aspirations of the employees of the whole TOTAL Group entities.
Within the framework of this agreement, the Management reiterates its determination to provide each employee affected by changes with an appropriate solution for the consequences they could have on their employment. (…)
This first commitment is consequently the main theme of the entire approach described in this agreement.
The domains covered by the agreement are the following:
- the domain of social dialogue development, consultation and negotiation with the social partners in each country included in the scope of the present agreement, in compliance with the legislative and contractual texts in each entity’s country,
- the domain of the pro forma management of jobs and professional skills, together with the necessary actions to provide the employees with training that will enable them both to adapt to the changes in technology and the requirements of the company as well as their personal aspirations throughout their professional lives,
- the domain of the principles and action axes to be implemented at the time of each change, especially of a legal nature, affecting Group entities that have repercussions on employment, working conditions or social protection.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“This agreement will be filed with the Departmental Labour and Employment Division to which the TOTAL Headquarters is attached as well as the Labour Court Registry of Nanterre and with the European Commission in Brussels (DG EMPLOYMENT, SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY).”

Review and monitoring

“An update on the agreement’s implementation in the different Group entities, will take place twice a year, during the meetings of the European Works Council’s Liaison Bureau.
It is agreed that during this examination, a list of actions that may have been implemented on each of the domains of this agreement will be compiled and will lead to an exchange of views. This list will result in a brief annual report which could be transmitted to the entities of the TOTAL Group. In case of difficulties observed by the social partners in one of the Group’s entities, the signatories of this agreement may request a meeting devoted to the application of this agreement. This meeting will be organised in agreement with the Management of the TOTAL Group.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

European agreement on equal opportunities (2005)
European agreement – assistance in creation, purchase or development of small and medium sized businesses (2007)

Main topic

Social dialogue,

Secondary topic(s)

strategic social dialogue, forward-planning management of jobs and skills, training and mobility, restructurings.
