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A Transparent annual Activity Discussion for mutual Listening (TALK) - Thales



Date of signature

14 April 2010


Director of Human Resources of Thales,Deputy General Secretary of the European Metalworkers’ Federation (EMF)

Key objectives

“Considering the importance of such a discussion the unions and the employee representatives as well as the management, through the negotiation, wanted to create a clear framework and comprehensive points of reference to facilitate a real and lasting improvement, both on an individual and collective level. More precisely, the signatories wish to define the fundamental principles ensuring that the Annual Activity Discussion is realised in a socially responsible atmosphere of mutual respect and listening.”
“This agreement has the aim to create an European framework for the Annual Activity Discussion at Thales.”


“The validity of this agreement is not time limited.” (III - Scope and validity of the European Agreement)

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The social partners of each country, in the perimeter of the European Work Council, shall implement the present agreement at the relevant level with a view to ensuring its effective local application in respect of local regulations. The way and means to implement this European Agreement, on some specific points like training, job descriptions, or appeal process, may require if needed, at the specific request of National Trade Unions or company management, a specific country addendum.”

Review and monitoring

“Parties to this agreement agree on the necessity to ensure a regular joint monitoring and follow up of the implementation of the principles foreseen in the agreement in the countries. Each year a report will be issued and presented to National Anticipation Commission to measure the improvements in the realisation of the AAD process (…). As a consequence, potential correction or improvement actions could be discussed.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“The parties agree that any disagreement over its interpretation or implementation shall be referred to the European Anticipation Commission.
The EMF and the General Management shall attempt to reach an amicable resolution of these disagreements within a reasonable period of time and in a spirit of cooperation.”

Related texts

European agreements on “Improving professional Development through Effective Anticipation (IDEA) (2009)

Main topic

Human resources policy/framework for the activity discussion,

Secondary topic(s)
