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European agreement on 'Improving professional Development through Effective Anticipation' (IDEA) - Thales



Date of signature

11 June 2009


Senior Vice President, Human Resources of Thales Group, Deputy Secretary General of EMF

Key objectives

“This agreement focused on anticipation, does not address short term strategic or industrial issues involving a quantitative employment effect which has to be treated, if the situation occurs, within the usual legal framework and social dialogue at the country level. The aim of this agreement is, by appropriate anticipation, to avoid, as much as possible, those situations.The purpose of this, Thales’ first European agreement, is to define, at the European level, common principles and give Thales companies and employees the most effective tools and processes which have to be implemented everywhere on a continuous basis and, as a minimum, for the first time in the 3 coming years.”


“The parties agree that the provisions of this agreement shall take effect from the date of its signature. The validity of this agreement is not time limited.”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The social partners of each country in the parameter of the European committee shall implement the present agreement at the relevant level with a view to ensuring its effective local application in respect of local regulations.”

“The text shall be translated into all the languages of the countries represented on the European Committee.”

Review and monitoring

“This agreement is a strong commitment for both parties in particular for the 3 years to come. This agreement sets some precise targets on many points and propose directions on others. To monitor progress to implement those targets and experiment with new ideas consistent with the defined directions we have build a comprehensive plan to be jointly conducted in 4 steps.
1. Detailed communication vis à vis management and each employee throughout Europe (with a joint kick off meeting)
2. Creation of a European Anticipation Commission (see above I2)
3. Build and monitor actions (starting immediately) in the 3 years to come by country through a national anticipation commission
4. Organisation of a European Convention, nine months after signing the agreement in order to collect new good practices and monitor implementation.”
“Social indicators monitoring progress will be available at country and European level to help the implementation”
“Each year the European Work Council will review a report on the Anticipation Process.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“The parties agree that any disagreement over its interpretation or implementation shall be referred to the monitoring group.
The EMF and the General Management shall attempt to reach an amicable resolution of these disagreements within a reasonable period of time and in a spirit of cooperation.”

Related texts

European Agreement on ‘Transparent annual Activity discussion for mutual Listening and developing professional Knowledge’ (TALK)

Main topic

Anticipation of skills needs and skills development,

Secondary topic(s)

gender equality, work-life balance, diversity, training, mobility, social dialogue.
