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Agreement on social guarantees for Suez Group employees



Date of signature

17 June 2008


CEO of Suez, deputy general secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), the European Federation of Executives, the European Dialogue Structure (CGE), and the representative national union organisations.

Key objectives

“The parties aim at formalising additional guarantees, through this agreement, which respond to the concerns of the ECC members and take into account the interests of the group’s employees.Through this agreement, SUEZ is reasserting its commitment for a “socially responsible” policy that prioritises employees.”


“The agreement will be effective the day after its arrival at the Paris DDTE and the Paris ‘Conseil de Prud’hommes’ (labour court) office.
It is signed for an unspecified period (…)”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The current agreement applies to subsidiaries globally integrated within the scope of consolidation of the SUEZ Group in Europe without prejudging more favourable dispositions existing locally.”

“In accordance to the clauses in the article L132-10 in the ‘code du travail’ (code of employment), the agreement will be delivered to the Paris DDTE and the Paris ‘Conseil de Prud’hommes’ (labour court) office.”

Review and monitoring

“The European Consultative Committee representatives and the signatory trade union organisations will be associated through the extended European Consultative Committee bureau’s intermediary in the follow-up to this agreement.
For the demands involved in the application of the agreement, and notably the adjustment of one of its terms, additional members could be associated to this follow-up.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

“Questions of interpretation relating to the current agreement call upon this follow-up committee.”

Related texts

International social charter Suez – Lyonnaise des Eaux (1998)
Suez health and safety charter (2002)
Group agreement association of employees (2007)
Group agreement diversity and equality
Suez group agreement on forward-planning and employment (2007)

Main topic


Secondary topic(s)

company sale (job security, social clauses), information and consultation.
