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Global Framework agreement - Shoprite Checkers


Shoprite Checkers

Date of signature

23 February 2010


HR Director of Shoprite Checkers, Secretary General of UNI

Key objectives

“Shoprite Checkers and UNI Global Union agree to enter into this agreement to create a forum to facilitate global social dialogue between Shoprite Checkers and UNI Global Union.”


Indefinite“This agreement shall become effective as from the date on which all parties sign it.”
“This agreement may be terminated at any time by the one party giving to the other sixty days written notice of termination.”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“Shoprite Checkers and UNI Global Union will work together to resolve any disagreement regarding the effective implementation of the principles of this Agreement.”
“Shoprite Checkers and UNI Global Union will each appoint a contact person.”
“UNI Global Union likewise will take proactive steps to ensure that affiliated unions are supportive of local Shoprite operations and work at all times within the letter and spirit of this agreement and any local agreements and laws.”

“Shoprite Checkers accepts responsibility for communication of this agreement to its management.”
“Shoprite Checkers and UNI Global Union may translate this agreement into the relevant local languages.”

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights, information at global level,

Secondary topic(s)

right to organise and bargain collectively, forced labour, child labour, non discrimination, fair wages and minimum wages, health and safety, training.
