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Agreement between Securitas AB (publ) and Union Network International and Swedish transport Workers’ Union on the development of good working relations in the Securitas group



Date of signature

26 October 2012


CEO Securitas AB, UNI Global Union General Secretary, Swedish Transports Workers' Union President

Key objectives

« The Global agreement allows Securitas to achieve its business and financial objectives while helping to ensure that employee and union rights, including the right to organise, are respected throughout the Securitas organization. »



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"Securitas is responsible for implementing this agreement and for its managers to respect its principles. The implementation group is composed of senior representative of all three parties."
"Securitas accepts to communicate this agreement through appropriate channels, including website and intranet."
" UNI, STWU and Securitas commit to publicise this agreement, in writing, throughout their worldwide union affiliate and corporate structures, respectively, and to stress that this agreement is to be supported in principle and in practice at all levels in both organizations. The parties may agree on a summary of the terms of this agreement for ease of communication. Such a summary shall be translated, as needed and agreed between the parties."

Review and monitoring

" An implementation Group consisting of senior representatives of all three parties will meet at least twice a year to discuss progress and to resolve disputes under this agreement. "

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Conflict resolution
1. Complaints by UNI affiliates
First raised at the local level. If not resolved at this point, it may be raised to the country manager, and then to the UNI Implementation Group. Securitas ensures that the situation is well taken care of, referring to the appropriate managment level.
2. Complaints by Securitas
Complaint is first raised with the local union, the to the national union, if not resolved. If no solution is found yet, UNI makes sure the situation is resolved, referring to the appropriate level of responsibilities.
If no solution is found by the Implementation Group, the issue will be raised to a neutral mediator.

Related texts

Global Agreemeent Securitas AB, UNI Global Agreement and Swedish Transports Workers' Union 2006

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights

Secondary topic(s)

freedom of association and recognition, union access to workers
