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European Agreement on the Anticipation of Change - Schneider Electric


Schneider Electric

Date of signature

12 July 2007


Executive Vice-President for Strategic Human Resources and Organisation of Schneider Electric, Deputy General Secretary of the European Metalworkers’ Federation (EMF)

Key objectives

"The purpose of this agreement is to improve the anticipation of change by promoting firstly an active practice of social dialogue regarding necessary organisational changes and secondly adaptation tools, such as the Master Competency Plans, Individual Competency Reviews or any other practice involving anticipation and adaptation of competence that is implemented locally, together with the development of appropriate training policies.It aims to:
• Safeguard the competitive level of the companies concerned and promote the sustainable development of its existing production activities.
• Preserve and develop the employability of its employees.
• Develop the necessary competence and skills of its employees so as to enable them to adapt to the new economic and strategic challenges.
The aim is to ensure equal treatment for all employees concerned with the objective of securing their career paths."


“The parties agree that the provisions of this agreement shall take effect as from the date of its signature. This agreement is concluded for an open-ended period.”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“It is agreed that all of the provisions of this agreement must be implemented in the year after it comes into force.
The European Committee members from the country concerned will be informed by the national management of the measures taken for implementation of this agreement in the country concerned regardless of the unit they work for.
The social partners of each country represented within the European Committee shall sign this agreement at the relevant level with a view to ensuring its effective application at local level.”

“The present agreement will be the subject of a presentation to local Management and the various units and to all employees in order to promote its appropriation by the European entities.”
“It is accompanied by an appendix containing a glossary of the main terms used in order to facilitate its translation into each European Committee language.
It shall be filed by Schneider Electric SA at the Hauts de Seine DDTEPF and with the NANTERRE Conseil des prud’hommes [industrial tribunal].”

Review and monitoring

“A monitoring commission shall be established, comprising an EMF delegation including the European Committee Bureau. This commission will meet once a year, in connection with a European Committee Bureau meeting, to review the implementation of the agreement within the group’s various entities.
It is agreed that, when making this evaluation, a list will be drawn up of the actions that could have been undertaken in respect of each of the areas of the present agreement and that this will lead to discussion and the setting up of a “good practices” database which will be made available to all the Group’s entities.
On the basis of this examination, recommendations could be made for improving the application of the agreement.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“The parties agree that any disagreement over its interpretation or implementation shall be referred to the signatories.
The EMF and the General Management shall seek an amicable solution for these disagreements within a reasonable period of time and in a spirit of cooperation.”

Related texts

European Agreement on Social Commitments in the framework of the take-over of Areva T&D

Main topic

Anticipation of employment and skills needs,

Secondary topic(s)

strategic social dialogue, training.
