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Global framework agreement -Stora Enso


Stora Enso

Date of signature

19 January 2018


CEO, HRD, IndustriALL Global, UNI Global Union, BWI

Key objectives

"The purpose of this Global Framework Agreement (GFA) is to promote cooperation between Stora Enso and IndustriALL, BWI and UNI, by establishing a global framework concerning labour conditions. Promoting labour conditions includes key principles concerning workers' rights and employment conditions."


Indefinite term

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"Stora Enso shall act to ensure that the principles of this framework agreement are made available to employees and their representatives as well as management in countries where the Company operates."

Review and monitoring

"Stora Enso, IndustiALL Global Union, UNI Global Union and Building and Wood Workers' International shall meet one a two-year period to review practices in the area of the principles agreed in this Global Framework Agreement. In addition, the parties are committed to maintaining an on-going dialogue and an extra meeting can be agreed upon when jointly considered necessary."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"It is a primary principle of this Agreement that local issues will be handled at local level, whenever possible.
If any party holds that this Agreement is not being enforced, then the following procedure shall apply :
- For local issues, every attempt shall be made to resolve the matters at the workplace between the union and management.
- If an issue pertaining to adherence to principles of this agreement cannot be resolved locally, it should, if any of the party wishes, be referred to the national level between the appropriate union and management. If the issue remains unresolved, it may be referred to the global level - to the Committee - but not before four weeks since initial referral to the national level.
- In the event that parties are unable to resolve a dispute concerning the application of this Agreement after having discussed it at meeting of the Committee, it may be submitted by mutual consent to a mediator for guidance. Parties shall choose the mediator jointly. Neither party may refuse a request for mediation without just cause. Specific problems of employees and other local disputes concerning collective bargaining shall be handled and settled in accordance with local dispute settlement procedures. Recourse to higher level or mediation may only be justified if the question or issue relates to a right or a standard established within the context of this Agreement."

Related texts

Main topic

fundamental labour rights

Secondary topic(s)

human Rights and non-discrimination; Freedom of association; health, safety and working conditions; migrant and posted workers; prohibition of forced labour and child labour; reasonable remuneration; Working time and rest period ; gender equality; suppliers and contractors.
