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Renault Group employees' fundamental rights declaration



Date of signature

12 October 2004


CEO/Chairman of Renault, IMF Secretary General, Secretary of Renault Group Works Council, national trade unions: FGTC, CFDT, CFTC, CGT, CC.OO, CSC, FO, UGT, CFE/CGC

Key objectives

“Against this background, Renault, the Renault Group Works Council and the International Metalworkers' Federation jointly present the following fundamental principles, in the belief that social responsibility is the key to long-term success.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“This declaration will be distributed to all the personnel of Renault group companies.Employees will have the opportunity to inform the company of any conduct that does not comply with this declaration.”

Review and monitoring

“Working with the employee representatives of the relevant companies, management and the Group Works Council will ensure that this declaration is actually implemented.
An initial evaluation of the implementation of this declaration will be performed together with the signatories in late 2006.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights ,

Secondary topic(s)

health and safety, child labour, forced labour, equal opportunities and non discrimination, restructuring (job security), training, working time, fair wages, freedom of association.
