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Joint Statement on the respect and promotion of international labour standards - Quebecor World Inc.


Quebecor World Inc.

Date of signature

04 May 2007


Senior Vice President, People and Leadership Quebecor World Inc., Deputy Secretary General of UNI

Key objectives

“The Company and UNI will cooperate to give practical effect to their common interest and will:
- Create an effective channel for an ongoing dialogue between them to advance their mutual interests, and
- Affirm and implement the principles and values derived from universally accepted agreements on human and labour rights.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The Company and UNI will engage in ongoing dialogue with respect to the content of this Joint Statement according to the following principles:
a) The Company and UNI will work together to resolve any disagreement regarding the effective implementation of the principles of this Joint Statement;
b) The Company and UNI will each appoint a contact person;
c) The Company and UNI will meet as necessary but, at a minimum, once per calendar year.”

“The Company will distribute copies of this Joint Statement within its organisation. UNI will distribute copies to all its affiliates with members in the Company.”

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

forced labour, child labour, non discrimination, freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, trade union recognition (union access), fair wages.
