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Cross-border social dialogue within the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI)

The Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) is a global non-profit standards setting and certification organization that brings together producers, users and stakeholders in the aluminium value chain, committing to maximize the contribution of aluminium to a sustainable society.

ASI has developed an independent third-party certification system for responsible aluminium production to ensure sustainability, while human rights principles are increasingly embedded in the production, use and recycling of aluminium. ASI Certification is underpinned by an independent third-party audit conducted by ASI Accredited Audit Firms. The ASI Performance Standard covers 11 environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles and criteria across the aluminium lifecycle.  This is complemented by the ASI Chain of Custody Standard.

The cross-border social dialogue component

ASI members elect the Board and Standards Committee, vote to approve changes to its “Constitution”, have the power to call general meetings, pass member resolutions (such as those relating to the ASI Constitution) and have the opportunity for practical and determinative participation in ASI governance. ASI Annual General Meetings provide an opportunity for all members to convene and discuss progress and future priorities.

The ASI Governance Handbook acknowledges three full “membership classes”:  Production and Transformation, Industrial Users and Civil Society class. Workers’ organizations can be ASI members in the civil society class and as such are eligible to nominate a member for the Board and for the Standards Committee and/or participating in Working Groups. IndustriAll Global Union is a member in the Civil Society class, and has previously been on the Standards Committee and in Working Groups.