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Framework of Commitments on Quality of life at Work and Prevention of Work-related Stress within the PPR Group in Europe


Pinault Printemps Redoute

Date of signature

27 July 2010


Management of PPR Group, representatives of EWC PPR

Key objectives

“The purpose of this Charter is as follows:
- Define a framework of commitments on the quality of life at work and the prevention of work-related stress for the benefit of workers employed by PPR Group companies in Europe.
- Reassert and enforce one of the principles set forth in the PPR Code of Business Practices in favour of employees of PPR Group companies, for purposes of reference herein (see Annex 1 hereto).
- Officialise, share and complement as needed the current practices and policies in PPR Group companies, in full compliance with national and European laws related to occupational safety & health.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The principles set forth in this Charter require that PPR Group companies:
- Establish any mechanisms and resources appropriate to their business activities and proportionate to their respective issues, in order to apply said principles for the benefit of all employees of PPR Group companies.
- Take into consideration their personnel's diversity throughout the implementation of the measures adopted by PPR companies in application of this Charter: gender, age, ethnic and racial origin, levels of qualification and hierarchy, type of employment contracts.”

“Each PPR Group company hereby commits to present this Charter to all relevant management boards as well as to all personnel representation bodies, and to disseminate it thereafter to all employees within PPR Group at the latest by end November 2010. This Charter shall be translated into all languages of the relevant countries.
The findings from the EOS 2009 survey, per company, per country and at European scales, shall be presented to the European Works Council. On this occasion, the European Works Council and the PPR Group Management shall in particular focus on the EOS survey results as related to issues of psychosocial risks (Annex 2).”

Review and monitoring

“In follow-up to the appropriate analyses carried out at least every two years, an annual progress report on the implementation and success of this Charter shall be presented to the EWC addressing each of the three fundamental principles (and the relevant measures implemented). A first progress report shall be presented to the EWC in June 2011.
This annual review per country and per company may be combined with the progress reports on the PPR Charters on Seniors and on Disabled Workers.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Charter on the employment of older workers (2008)
Charter on the employment of disabled people (2008)

Main topic

Health and Safety, work related stress, psychosocial risk,

Secondary topic(s)

assessment and factors of work-related stress, working condition, HR policy, employees’ involvement.
