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Commitment for the Employment of Disabled Persons in Europe - PPR


Pinault Printemps Redoute

Date of signature

14 October 2008


PPR Group and PPR European Works Council

Key objectives

"The aim of this document is to set out a certain number of principles and guidelines, while allowing each country and each company the freedom of applying the principles and guidelines with regards to their context and issues.”This charter aims at:
- Affirming the commitment made by PPR Group and its Companies in favour of the employment of disabled persons in France,
- Extending its commitments to new countries and new companies,
- Defining its common principles and commitments,
- Helping mentalities to evolve by raising the awareness of the players concerned via the implementation of the Charter,
- Communicating the commitments of the Group as regards the employment of disabled persons to all the employees of the Group,
- Tracking the local conditions for the implementation of the commitments made.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“Each company of PPR Group undertakes to define actions within the proposed areas, set objectives and to provide itself with the means to help advance the economic and social integration of disabled persons in Europe. The actions carried out shall be defined by taking into account of the local issues, possibilities and legislative frameworks.”

“Each company of PPR Group undertakes to communicate this commitment to the associates. This charter shall be translated into all the languages of the countries concerned. It shall be posted in the usual posting areas on the work premises.”

Review and monitoring

“It is agreed that the Bureau and the EWC shall be associated in the implementation of this charter. A review of the actions carried out by the Companies shall be presented once annually by Group Management.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Charter on the employment of seniors (2010)
Charter on commitments on quality of life at work and prevention of work-related stress (2010)

Main topic

Employment of disabled persons,

Secondary topic(s)

equal opportunities and non discrimination, training, working conditions.
