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Charter on Senior Employment - PPR


Pinault Printemps Redoute

Date of signature

14 October 2008


PPR Group, PPR European Works Council

Key objectives

“The goal for this Charter is to promote employment of Senior workers and implement relative improvements within the PPR companies of Europe. (…)”“This Charter aims at:
- Finding the most adequate means in order to enhance the competences of the Seniors and to look after their working conditions,
- Developing the good practices existing in PPR Group,
- Implementing its commitments to new countries and new companies,
- Raising awareness and making mentalities evolve by stabilising the concerned parties by applying the measures,
- Communicating to all employees the Group commitment in terms of employment of Seniors,
- Following-up the local implementation.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“Each company within the PPR Group has the right to reject any of the points listed in article 3, if it can be clearly shown that their current practices are in favour of Seniors in Europe.
“It is agreed that the EWC Restricted Committee is associated in the implementation of the present document.”

“Each company within the PPR Group is responsible for presenting and communicating the Group’s commitments to all Personnel Representative Bodies and employees. This document will be translated in all the languages of the concerned countries.”

Review and monitoring

“PPR is to provide an annual progress report on implementation and success of this Charter to EWC Members. This is to help continue the development and relevance of the Charter.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Charter in favour of the employment of disabled persons (2008)
Charter on commitments on quality of life at work and prevention of work-related stress (2010)

Main topic

The employment of seniors and the improvement of their working condition,

Secondary topic(s)

equal opportunities and non discrimination, training, skills development, anticipating change/ transferring knowledge assets, working time, restructuring (job safety and support measures), benefits (extra medical coverage).
