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Social Responsibility Code of Conduct - Portugal Telecom Group


Portugal Telecom Group

Date of signature

18 January 2006


Portugal Telecom Group, UNI Global Union, national unions: SINTTAV, STPT, SINDETELCO

Key objectives

“This agreement materializes the objective (…) between the parties (…) to negotiate a social responsibility Code of Conduct (…) which enshrines trade union, social and labour rights with the Portugal Telecom Group, at both national and international level.To give effect to this commitment, Portugal Telecom Group, UNI, SINTTAV, STPT, SINDETELCO have agreed on a Code of Conduct based on the following principles:
- The parties’ common recognition of fundamental human rights in the community and in the workplaces (…)
- Common acknowledgment of the parties hereto of the need to contribute to the improvement of working conditions at the workplace and in the community (…)
- Acknowledgment of the right to communicate online (…)
- Social responsibility and transparency in the management of the companies.”


Two years
“This agreement shall have a duration of two years and may be reviewed for identical periods if none of the parties explicitly terminates the Agreement with three months notice prior to the expiration of the Agreement.” (Duration and scope)

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The subscribers hereto will be in charge of administering and applying this agreement (…)
“The Portugal Telecom Group, UNI, SINTTAV, STPT, SINDETELCO shall make both written and oral information available on the implementation of this Agreement, in all the Group’s workplaces.”

Review and monitoring

“In order to fulfil the objective pursued in this Agreement, the Portugal Telecom Group, UNI, SINTTAV, STPT, SINDETELCO shall start a dialogue consubstantiated in the following principles:
a) The management of the Portugal Telecom Group, and the UNI, SINTTAV, STPT, SINDETELCO delegations shall meet once every year (…).”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“Any disagreement in connection to the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall be examined jointly with the purpose of drafting adequate recommendations for settling the dispute.” (Implementation of the agreement)

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

forced labour, child labour, non discrimination, right to organise and bargain collectively, collective bargaining and social dialogue, rights of workers representatives (including use of electronic means), decent wages, working time limits and voluntary overtime, training, health and safety, ethics and sustainability.
