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Global Agreement - The National Australia Group and Global Union Engagement Strategy


National Australia Group

Date of signature

3 September 2006


NAG, UNI, FSU Australia, Amicus – the union (UK & IRE), FINSEC (NZ)

Key objectives

“We welcome the ongoing commitment (…) to strong relationships with the Unions in the National Australia Group (NAG) as part of the strategic objective of being an employer of choice and delivering an excellent customer experience. (…) Both the bank and the Unions are committed to the Company’s Corporate Principles promoting dignity at work. To do this we will build on our relationships by engaging with each other in an open, honest and constructive manner (…).”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

Not defined

Review and monitoring

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

Social dialogue,

Secondary topic(s)

information and consultation, collective bargaining, annual meeting at global level.
