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Global Agreement on Corporate Social Responsibility and International Industrial Relations - Lafarge



Date of signature

21 May 2013


CEO of Lafarge Group, BWI Secretary General, IndustryALL Global Union Secretary General

Key objectives

Promote and protect the rights of employees
The Group commits to the 2020 Sustainability Ambitions, believing that social adn economic progress are intertwined.
« Lafarge responsibility is as much about complying with local and international laws and standards as it is about aligning our actions with our values. »


Indefinite“This agreement shall remain in force unless otherwise agreed by any party giving three calendar month’s notice, in writing, to the other.”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

""The Lafarge Group will provide information concerning this agreement in written or verbal form in all countries where this agreement is applicable.""

Review and monitoring

« A reference group consisting of representatives of the Lafarge management and of the signatory international federations will meet at least once a year, or whenever necessary, to foloow up and review the implementation of this agreement. An observer seat will be allocated to the European Works Counil’s Secretary during the annual meeting of the reference group.»

""The Lafarge Group will make available to the reference group the resources needed for its missions.""

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Conflict resolution:
“All signatories agree that any difference arising from the interpretation or implementation of this agreement will be examined jointly discussed with a view of its qualification""
In case of violation of the present agreement, the complaint will be referred to the local management and the National Union if the agreement is not found yet. Then, the reference group will rely on regional coordinators BWI or IndustriALL Global Union, then the AIT if the dispute is still open.

Related texts

Agreement on corporate social responsibility and international industrial relations (2005)

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights ,

Secondary topic(s)

forced labour and child labour, no discrimination, diversity promotion, protection of migrant workers, freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, minimum wages and working time limits, subcontractors, health and safety, training.
