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Joint declaration concerning health and safety - Lafarge



Date of signature

11 June 2003


Chief Executive Officer of Lafarge, Secretary of the European Works’ Council

Key objectives

“The signatories shall retain the existing clauses in the subsidiaries (i.e. group health and safety policy, health and safety management system); this declaration stipulates concrete actions to verify the authenticity of our commitments.”
“The contracting parties undertake in particular to respect the following guiding principles. (…)
The group encourages the formation of a health and safety committee at the most appropriate level, consisting of representatives of the work force and of management. (…)” (Unofficial translation)



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“It will be up to local management with the employees' representatives to transpose the following principles into practical rules of conduct on all group workplaces in Europe.”

“The present joint declaration will be translated into the different languages used by the EWC.
It will be communicated to all site managers in Europe; they will be responsible for informing the personnel at all workplaces and discussing the issues covered by this text with the health and safety committee already existing or to be created.” (Unofficial translation)

Review and monitoring

“The EWC shall be responsible for monitoring implementation of the present declaration and will meet once a year in order to draw up a report of the implementation and to consider the health and safety results of the previous year (KPI).
It may present this report during the annual meeting of the EWC.” (Unofficial translation)

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“In the event of problems – not locally resolved - in implementation or of any complaints, employees will contact the EWC member for their country; if necessary, the matter will be referred to a member of the EWC steering committee.
The EWC secretary shall inform the SPD or the expert on the EWC about the problem in order to propose the most appropriate solution.
Third parties may not derive or enforce any rights from this declaration.” (Unofficial translation)

Related texts

Agreement on corporate social responsibility and international industrial relations (2005)

Main topic

Health and safety,

Secondary topic(s)

involvement of workers and their representatives, training.
