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European Framework Agreement regarding Project One Europe to be Concluded Between Kraft Foods Europe Management and the Employee Representatives


Kraft Foods International

Date of signature

05 September 2007


EFFAT, EWC representatives

Key objectives

“The restructuring of the operations of Kraft Foods in Europe according to ""Project One Europe"" is designed to increase the competitiveness of Kraft Foods in Europe and to lay the basis for further growth. (…) To document the aforementioned spirit the management of Kraft Foods in Europe and the representatives of the employees in the European Council of Kraft Foods in Europe herby enter into this Framework Agreement outlining nine basic principles of understanding for the implementation of Project One Europe (…)”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“For the avoidance of doubt it is clarified that the above nine basic principles of understanding do only apply in relation to the implementation of Project One Europe and only as regards employees employed at the time (…) in the respective countries. The aforementioned nine principles of understanding are not meant as a guarantee in conjunction with other potential restructuring measures eventually to be contemplated in the future.”

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic


Secondary topic(s)

maintain material level of representation and labour relations, pension benefits, transfer of collective agreements, information and consultation.
