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International Framework Agreement to promote and protect workers' rights - Italcementi



Date of signature

17 June 2008


Chief Operating Officer of the Group Italcementi, Secretary General of BWI

Key objectives

“The agreement is based on the signatories joint commitment to respect basic human and trade union rights, acknowledging the fundamental principles of human rights as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, as well as relevant ILO conventions and jurisprudence, and the OECD guidelines on Multinational Companies.”
“The parties also commit themselves to achieving continuous improvements within the areas of working conditions, health and safety standards at the workplace and positive democratic industrial relations and fair collective bargaining procedures with representative trade unions.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The Italcementi Group will ensure that appropriate translations of the agreement are available at all workplaces and should include suppliers, contractors and subcontractors. The agreement will also be made public on the Company’s website and Intranet.”

Review and monitoring

“Within February 2009, the signatories of this agreement will meet in order to evaluate the dissemination and application of this agreement and to define the implementation mechanisms and confirm the (already established) composition of the reference group as mentioned in c).”
“a) Both parties recognize that effective local monitoring of this agreement must involve the local management, the workers and their representatives, health and safety representatives and local unions.
b) To enable local workers and union representatives of BW affiliated unions to play a role in the monitoring process, they will be given adequate time for training and involvement in the monitoring process. The company will ensure that they are provided with information, access to workers, and right of inspection necessary to effectively monitor compliance with agreement.
c) A reference group shall be set up, composed of representatives of Italcementi and the concerned BWI affiliated unions in the home country of the company, the EWC coordinator and a BWI coordinator. It will meet at least once a year, or when necessary to evaluated reports on compliance and to review the implementation of the agreement.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“Signatories agree that any difference arising from the interpretation or implementation of this agreement will be examined jointly, for the purpose of clarification.”

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights, social dialogue,

Secondary topic(s)

forced labour, child labour, no discrimination, freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, living wages, working time and rest, health and safety, training, stable employment.
