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International Framework Agreement on the Implementation of International Labour Standards throughout the Inditex Supply Chain



Date of signature

13 November 2019


Acting CEO of Inditex, General Secretary of IndustriAll Global Union

Key objectives

“The main purpose of the Agreement remains ensuring respect of Human Rights within the labour andsocial environment, by promoting respect for international labour standards throughout Inditex's supply chain. This Agreement recognizes the crucial role that freedom of association and collective bargaining play in developing mature industrial relations. Accordingly, it is appropriate to establish a framework to
reaffirm the engagement with trade union organisations, which represent the workers in the textile,
footwear and garment supply chain.”


"The Parties jointly confirm that the Agreement shall become effective from its date of signature and will remain in force for one year after which it shall be deemed to be automatically extended for further periods of one year unless either party gives notice to the other with at least three months in advance of its expiry date or date of expiry of its extensions, that it does not wish renewal.”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"Inditex is committed to provide reasonable information about its supply chain to IndustriALL. In order to facilitate the enforcement of the Agreement and to strengthen freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, Inditex shall provide IndustriALL with information about their suppliers through the General Coordination. This information must include all the data necessary which contributes to have a better understanding of the supplying factories IndustriALL and its affiliates shall be given reasonable access to the factories that are part of Inditex supply chain. Access to premises shall be facilitated according to the mechanisms agreed between the Inditex management and the Coordination."
"The Parties shall jointly develop policies and capacity building programs on industrial relations designed
to advance in the implementation of the Agreement throughout the Inditex supply chain."

Review and monitoring

"For implementation of the Agreement, the Parties have agreed on a specific structure. At global level, a Global Union Committee (...) shall be established (...). This Committee shall meet once a year to review the implementation of the Agreement. (...)
“The Committee will elect a Coordination with the aim to be the liaison with Inditex. (...) Among the functions of said General Coordinator will be the resolution of those topics that cannot be solved locally. In these cases, the Coordination will investigate them along with the concerned local union and the respective Inditex representative. The Coordination will meet at least twice a year
with representatives of Inditex.
Local trade unions have an important role to play in ensuring the implementation of the Agreement
within the Inditex supply chain. Under the lines established by the Coordination, the local trade union”.

Dispute settlement and sanctions

“The Parties agree to inform each other of any breach of the Agreement, as soon as the breach is discovered, to enable the earliest possible implementation of a remediation action plan.
When a local trade union detects any potential breach regarding the enforcement of this Agreement in any of Inditex’s suppliers that cannot be resolved at factory level, this shall be notified to the respective Trade Union Expert and to the respective Global Union Committee member of its cluster, or in its absence, to the General Coordinator, that will inform to the representative of Inditex and IndustriALL designated for such purposes, and that will take those actions for its resolution. Likewise, the Committee could provide advice and support for the resolution of the breach..
” Questions concerning the interpretation of the Agreement shall be resolved through consultation
between the Parties. Every effort will be made to find common agreement but where this is not possible,
the Parties will, in appropriate circumstances, seek the expert advice of the ILO or an agreed third party
for mediation and dispute settlement. The Parties shall agree to abide by the final recommendations of
the ILO or other third party.""

Related texts

Global Agreement for Implementation of Fundamental Rights and Decent Work (2009)
International Framework Agreement on the Implementation of International Labour Standards throughout the Inditex Supply Chain (2007)

Main topic

Fundamental rights at work,supply chain

Secondary topic(s)

