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Global agreement for implementation of fundamental labour rights and decent work - Inditex



Date of signature

02 October 2009


CEO of Inditex, Secretary General of UNI Global Union, FECOHT-CC.OO-es, CHTJ-UGT

Key objectives

“Inditex and UNI will thus establish a cooperation framework which will contribute to the effective implementation of fundamental labour rights and decent work in the Group’s commercial and distribution network, for the purposes of which they agree to sign the present global framework agreement (…) in conformity with the following clauses.”


Indefinite“The agreement shall be valid for an indeterminate period. Either one of the two sides may terminate it, or request renegotiation, with a period of notice of at least six months.”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“Inditex shall distribute copies of the present agreement within its own organisation and shall guarantee its translations into whatever local language may be necessary. UNI shall do the same with its affiliates that have members who work for the company. In cases where the two sides agree it may be appropriate, they will make a joint presentation of, and provide information on, the agreement.”

Review and monitoring

“The company and UNI agree to carry out joint actions in order to verify that freedom of association and collective bargaining are respected throughout the commercial network.”
“The undertaking accepts the right of UNI representatives to have reasonable access to the workplace for the purpose of carrying out its representative functions (…)”
“Inditex and UNI shall meet whenever necessary, but at least once a year, with a view to monitoring developments and to resolve outstanding issues which derive from the application of this agreement.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

“Should a problem arise, Inditex and UNI shall work together to find a solution. This cooperation shall also take the form of joint training programmes for employees and local management covering labour issues, as designed for the application of this Agreement.”
“Inditex and UNI undertake to inform each other as soon as possible of any cases of non respect of the present agreement in order to allow the rapid adoption of an action plan aimed at finding timely solution to the problem.”

Related texts

International Framework Agreement on the Implementation of International Labour Standards throughout the Inditex Supply Chain (2007)

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, forced labour, child labour, non discrimination, health and safety, working time.
