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Amendment to the GEPE EBR Agreement on the introduction of regulations (including methodology and practice) during negotiations between the GEPE Central Management (“CM”) and the GEPE EWC (“EWC”)


General Electric Plastics Europe

Date of signature

31 March 2004


Directeur général et CE européen

Key objectives

“During the negotiations on the renewal of the respective EWC Agreement, CM and EWC expressed their wish to extend the rights of the EWC in order to give the EWC and the CM the opportunity to discuss and negotiate framework agreements concerning general GE(P)- regulations. The reason for the extension of the right is the fact that up to now the implementation of such regulations has to take place separately in the different European countries with the works councils and the Trade Unions. The results of the negotiations can differ in different countries. In order to simplify and harmonize the proceedings, CM and EWC attempt to negotiate the corresponding regulations on European level.”


Not defined

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

Not defined

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

Framework for transnational bargaining,

Secondary topic(s)
