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Codes of Conduct of GEA AG



Date of signature

05 June 2003



Key objectives

“Agreement with respect to the Codes of conduct of GEA AG. (…)
The following binding rules have been stipulated in the following areas (…)
• Human rights and equality of opportunities
• Promotion of the social, employment and environmental policy responsibility
• Cooperation and freedom of association
• Enhancement of the worldwide social dialogue
• Observation and advancement of generally accepted core working and cultural standards”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The codes of conduct of GEA AG are binding within the company throughout the world. They obligate executives and employees at all levels to observe, accept and promote the agreed objectives. The management of the respective company units, and, where they exist the employees’ representatives are responsible for ensuring this.”

“The codes will be made accessible in an appropriate form to all the management teams, interest representatives and employees throughout the group.”

Review and monitoring

“Information with respect to problems, deviations or necessary changes of the codes will be exchanged and discussed at least once a year between the parties to the agreement.
This exchange of information will take place in the EWC and in the EWC presiding committee.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“All the employees have the right to address subjects and problems in conjunction with the agreed principles.”

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

freedom of association and trade union recognition, equal opportunities, priority to unlimited employment contracts, fair wage and benefits, training, health and safety, working time, sustainability.

