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European group agreement relating to the employment and expertise plan - GDF Suez


GDF Suez

Date of signature

23 February 2010


CEO of GDF Suez, EPSU, national trade union organisations (forming the Special Negotiation Group representing employees of group companies)

Key objectives

"This European framework agreement defines the principles for the implementation of an Employment and Expertise Plan (GPEC) within GDF SUEZ European companies.”


Indefinite“The agreement is entered for an unlimited period.”

Applicable law

Implementation and dissemination

“This agreement is to be directly applied in all companies that fall within the scope of article 1.1 above, which should implement the principles and practical terms declared below within a time frame of one year at the most from the date of signature of this agreement (…)”
“GDF SUEZ companies, must ensure forward-looking management of their jobs and skills by making sure that this aspect is part of social dialogue specific to the entity. These companies, at the highest level of negotiation with the Trade Union organisations or, failing this, with the employee representative bodies, may thus enter into negotiations/discussions in order to complete and adapt the content, either at the initiative of management or trade union organisations or, failing this, of employee representative bodies (Works Committee, Works Council or equivalent) in accordance with the rules applicable in each country.”
“Appropriate resources shall support implementation of this agreement:
- Appointment by GDF SUEZ of territory contact persons
- Internal resources of GDF SUEZ for the drafting of the guide to business activities, participation in training schemes, collection of statistics on business lines, and use of various systems.
- Resources to enable trade union organisations and employee representatives to take part in the development of the business activity system and the system for initial training of participants, prepare and participate in the various GPEC bodies, monitor experiments and discuss implementation methods.”

Dissemination - filing
“In accordance with the provisions of Article L. 132-10 of the Labour Code, the Agreement shall be filed with the Paris Departmental Directorate for Labour and Employment (“DDTE”) and the registry of the Paris Industrial Court (""Conseil de Prud’hommes"").”

Review and monitoring

“The European GPEC Committee will be responsible for the monitoring of this agreement.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

“Questions of interpretation relating to this agreement are the sole prerogative of the above-mentioned monitoring committee.”

Related texts

GDF agreement on social responsibility (2008)
Group agreement on fundamental principles regarding health and safety (2010)
Global agreement on fundamental rights, social dialogue and sustainable development (2010)

Main topic

Anticipate the evolution of jobs and skills,

Secondary topic(s)

skills development, anticipation committees at different levels, training, social dialogue, professional mobility.
