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Agreement governing the separation of the Ford Visteon organisation


Ford Europe

Date of signature

25 January 2000


Ford, EWC members, Visteon employee representatives

Key objectives

“The existing Visteon activities presently owned by Ford in Europe will be transferred into separate legal entities. (…) Ford Motor Company and the Ford European Works Council have concluded the following agreement, which will apply to all Visteon activities listed below and being established as independent legal entities in Europe.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The parties to this agreement commit to implementing this agreement at the national level.”
“After legal separation, Newco management shall be responsible for adherence to this agreement vis-à-vis the corresponding Newco employee representatives.”

Review and monitoring

“1. A joint working group shall be set up with Ford management and the FEWC select committee. This working group shall monitor the implementation of this agreement and shall take a decision in the case of any dispute regarding its interpretation.”
“In the case of disagreements between Newco management and the corresponding employee representatives that arise from different interpretations of this agreement, the procedure under 1) above may be applied.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

See review and monitoring

Related texts

Main topic

Transfer of undertaking,

Secondary topic(s)

reassignment, employee representation fate, maintenance of terms and conditions of employees.
