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Health, Safety and Environment on the workplace Charter - Etex



Date of signature

14 June 2010


Etex Group, Etex EWC representatives

Key objectives

“Assuring the participation of the employees and their representatives is (…) one of the primary objectives of this charter.”
“In fulfilment of the social dialogue within the European Works Council and the principles of the social charter of the Etex Group S.A., it is decided to form a joint working committee of representatives of the employees and the employers. The objective of the joint working committee is to create a platform for information exchange on health and safety issues, and to reflect on ways how to improve conditions and awareness on health and safety in the EU subsidiaries of Etex Group S.A.”


2 years
“The minimum term of this charter is to 2 years as of its date of signature. After expiry of the term, either party can terminate the charter effective at the end of the year, with an advance notice period of 6 months. The provisions of the present agreement shall remain in force until a new agreement is concluded.”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“This charter will be translated into the languages of the representatives of the workers in the European Works Council (…)”
“At the same time, this charter will be published by the local managements in such a way that all employees have access to it.”

Review and monitoring

“Once a year the working committee will submit to the European Works Council a report dealing with the following points:
a- overview of the risk assessment procedures implemented at the workplace and company levels;
b- overview of events corresponding to the different categories of incidents and accidents;
c- overview of the developed training programmes in the areas of safety, health, the environment and working conditions;
d- developments in the areas of safety, work and environmental protection as well as the working conditions.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Conflict of interpretation:
“In case of conflict of interpretation the English version will prevail.”

Related texts

European Social Charter (2002)

Main topic

Health and safety, environment, social dialogue,

Secondary topic(s)

employee involvement (joint working H&S committee), information and consultation of employees, corporate compliance with H&S certifications, H&S training, employee rights and duties.
