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ICEM Global Agreement with Endesa



Date of signature

25 January 2002


Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of Endesa, Secretary General of UGT, Secretary General of CC.OO, Secretary General of ICEM

Key objectives

“Both parties [agreed] to adopt, as fundamental principles of the present protocol (…).”
“To establish a channel of dialogue and international trade union consultation within ENDESA at the highest organisational level, as an effective tool for achieving an adequate exchange of relevant information between the two parties.”


“The present agreement will be valid until 31 December 2003, unless its extension is expressly agreed between the parties.”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“ENDESA and the trade unions signing the present agreement will disseminate its content to all companies, in the international area, over which ENDESA exercises control.
Any information published externally about the present agreement will be mutually agreed by the parties.”

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights, global social dialogue,

Secondary topic(s)

trade union rights, health and safety.
