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International Framework Agreement - EADS



Date of signature

03 June 2005


EADS N.V., European Works Council of EADS, EMF and IMF

Key objectives

“(…) Wherever the Group operated, it wishes to grow its economic success in consideration of common principles and standards consistent with ILO conventions, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and (…) the UN Global Compact. (…)In the strong belief that corporate social responsibility is the key to long-term success, EADS and the European Works Council jointly present the following principles which they recognise as fundamental, and for the compliance of which they will work together.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The head of each business is responsible for ensuring compliance with these principles and will take appropriate measures to ensure their implementation.”
“The provisions (…) define EADS standards to be applied wherever the Group operates”

“The employees of the company will be informed, either orally or in writing, of all the provisions of this framework agreement, in accordance with the relevant legal form and/or possible infringement.”

Review and monitoring

“Trade unions or works council representatives may inform central management orally or in writing of any breach of one or more terms of the aforementioned provisions.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

“Compliance with EADS standards serves as a criterion for selecting suppliers.
EADS asks its suppliers and subcontractors to cooperate as best as they can in the application of the principles of this agreement and to remedy the situation in the case of possible infringement.”

Dispute settlement:
“In a situation of conflict, the arbitration process will be mutually agreed by the EADS head of Human Resources and the European Works Council.”
“EADS central management shall take appropriate measures to eliminate any breach of the aforesaid principles, reporting on any measures taken to a plenary session of the European Works Council.”
“The European Works Council may submit proposals for corrective measures to ensure compliance with this agreement to the management of EADS or the relevant Business Unit.”

Related texts

EADS Code of Ethics

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

right to organise and to bargain collectively, equal opportunity, trade union recognition, health and safety.
