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Convention on trade union rights - Danone



Date of signature

28 July 2005


CEO of Danone group, Secretary General of IUF

Key objectives

“1. Check throughout all Groupe DANONE subsidiaries the correct application of ILO conventions 87, 98 and 135 (…)
2. Encourage management and trade unions to negotiate agreements by publicising these agreements with the workforce as far as possible
3. Encourage management and employee representatives to negotiate and conclude agreements seeking to ensure that trade union and employee representatives benefit, with comparable ability, from the same opportunities (…) ”



Applicable law

Not mentioned

Implementation and dissemination

“ (…) The process of informing and training union members and workers representatives should develop within each Groupe DANONE company in order to ensure the effective implementation of DANONE/IUF conventions.”

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

IUF/BSN joint declaration on Trade Union Rights (initial version, 1994)
Common viewpoint IUF/BSN (1988)
Convention on economic and social data in Groupe Danone companies (1989, updated 2005)
Convention for the promotion of equality of men and women in the workplace (1989, updated 2005)
Convention on Skills Training (1992, updated 2005)
Applicable Convention in the event of changes in business activities affecting employment or working conditions (1997, updated 2005)
Social standards applicable in restructuring of biscuits division in Europe (2001)
Danone/IUF Convention on the setting up of social indicators at group level (2005)
Fundamental social principles (2005)
Group Danone/IUF Convention on Diversity (2007)

Main topic

Trade union rights,

Secondary topic(s)

collective bargaining, information and consultation.
