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Convention for the promotion of equality of men and women in the workplace at Danone



Date of signature

28 July 2005


CEO of Danone group, Secretary General of IUF

Key objectives

“In each company, discussions will take place in liaison with workers representatives to define objectives for equality at work.This will aim to find a methodical approach in order to study the respective situation of women and men in the company.”



Applicable law

Not mentioned

Implementation and dissemination

“In each company, discussions will take place in liaison with workers representatives to define objectives for equality at work.
This will aim to find a methodical approach in order to study the respective situation of women and men in the company. It will cover the implementation of equality of remuneration for work of equal value, promotion opportunities, access to training, specific maternity issues and getting back to work after maternity leave as well as measures intended to get the right balance between family and professional life.”

Review and monitoring

“Achievement of the target objectives will be monitored in liaison with workers representatives.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Action Program for the Promotion of equality of men and women at the workplace (original, 1989)
Common viewpoint IUF/BSN (1988)
Convention on economic and social data in Groupe Danone companies (1989, updated 2005)
Convention on skills training (1992, updated 2005)
Convention on trade union rights (1994, updated 2005)
Applicable Convention in the event of changes in business activities affecting employment or working conditions (1997, updated 2005)
Danone/IUF Convention on the setting up of social indicators at group level (2005)
Fundamental social principles (2005)
Group Danone/IUF Convention on Diversity (2007)

Main topic

Equality at work between men and women.

Secondary topic(s)
