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Framework agreement for information and consultation with employees and employee representative in the local European operation of DaimlerChrysler AG



Date of signature

03 May 2006


DaimlerChrysler, European Works Council, European Metalworkers Federation (EMF)

Key objectives

“Communication with employees is a fundamental management tool and contributes considerably towards staff motivation. It is the company’s objective to include, inform and involve the individual employee as directly as possible.”
“To this end (…) DaimlerChrysler and the European Works Council have agreed to the following minimum standards for communication with employees and employee representatives about relevant local and commercial affairs in the European operations of DaimerChrysler AG.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

""Details about the form of information and consultation are to be agreed upon a local level between company management and existing representations; this also applies for communication with employees in these locations of the company who do not have employee representations and for information of the employees by the employee representatives.""

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

DaimlerChrysler Corporate Social Responsibility Principles

Main topic

Information and consultation.

Secondary topic(s)

