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Agreement on the respect of fundamental rights at work and transnational mobility at Club Méditerranée


Club Méditerranée

Date of signature

28 July 2009


HR Director of Club Méditerranée, EFFAT general secretary, UITA general secretary

Key objectives

""In the framework of the present agreement, the parties express their common wish to facilitate international mobility for GE service personnel of Club Méditerranée with the status of seasonal workers and coming from countries located outside of the European Union. (…)The signing parties agree to comply with the following provisions:
II. The respect of fundamental rights at work
III. The mobility of GE employees of Club Méditerranée coming from countries of Europe and Africa into the European Union.” (Unofficial translation)


3 years
“This agreement is signed for a definite period of 3 years and will expire after this period.” (Unofficial translation)

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“During the season, if employees are present, Club Méditerranée’s services provide for a visit from an EFFAT UITA representative in one or several undertakings welcoming migrant GE employees mentioned in article III.2 within three days per season. During the visits, the social modalities of mobility will be addressed.”

“A copy of this agreement is sent to the DG Employment and Social Affairs of the European Community.” (Unofficial translation)

Review and monitoring

“A committee monitoring the application of this agreement is composed, on the one hand of two EFFAT and two UITA representatives (including the EFFAT representative within the European Social Dialogue Committee) and, on the other hand, two representatives appointed by the management of Club Méditerranée.
The committee will meet once a year on the occasion of the meeting of the European Social Dialogue Committee to discuss economic and social changes at Club Méditerranée and think about forward planning for concerted mobility.
The committee also aims to assess the implementation of the agreement and discuss possible improvements. It will also meet at the request of the management of Club Méditerranée or of one of the members of the European Social Dialogue Committee, after receiving the consent of the management.” (Unofficial translation)

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“In the event of a conflict, the monitoring committee established in article 4.1. May have to take a stand, without being prejudicial to other modalities of appeal.”
“In the event of difficulties or disputes, the employees concerned may turn to the monitoring committee established in article 4.1.” (Unofficial translation)

Related texts

Joint declaration on subcontracting (2001)

Main topic

Geographical mobility,

Secondary topic(s)

posting, equal treatment (condition of employment), fundamental social rights, freedom to assemble, union recognition (neutral), union rights, forced labour, child labour, equal opportunities, equal pay.

