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Agreement on Freedom of Association, Minimum labour Standards and Employment in Latin American Banana Operations - Chiquita



Date of signature

14 June 2001


General Secretary of IUF, Regional Coordinator of COLSIBA (Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Sindicatos Bananeros), President / Chief Operating Officer Chiquitas Brands International, General Director of the International Labour Organisation (ILO)

Key objectives

“UF/COLSIBA and CHIQUITA:(…) Seek to identify practical opportunities for continuous improvement in the employment conditions of CHIQUITA employees recognizing this as a necessary condition to advance the common interests of CHIQUITA and its employees.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“CHIQUITA and the IUF/COLSIBA will publicize this agreement in all the Company’s banana operations in Latin America.”

Review and monitoring

“CHIQUITA and IUF/COLSIBA will each appoint up to four members to a Review Committee that will meet periodically to oversee the application of this agreement and to discuss other areas of mutual concern. (…)
The Review Committee meetings will take place twice a year. An extraordinary meeting may be convened at the request of either party, in case a situation arises that requires urgent discussion by the Review Committee. (…)”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“In case of a major conflict, CHIQUITA and IUF/COLSIBA may, in addition, include in the meeting [of the Review Committee] a representative of the local union and a representative of local management. (…)
The parties agree that local parties should exhaust every effort to resolve local issues, and that the work of the Review Committee, as well as any intervention required between meetings of this Committee, will relate only to alleged serious and/or systematic violations of the rights outlined in this agreement. (…)”

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental social rights,

Secondary topic(s)

freedom of Association and right to bargain collectively, information and consultation in case of restructuring, child labour, forced labour, non discrimination, health and safety at the workplace.
