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Basic Principles of Social Responsibility at Bosch



Date of signature

02 March 2004


Robert Bosch GmbH, Europa Committee of the Bosch Group, International Metalworkers Federation

Key objectives

“(…) commitment to common principles of social responsibility. The principles described in the following take their lead from the basic labour standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO).”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“These principles will be incorporated into the ‘Management System Manual for Quality, Environment, Safety, and Security in the Bosch Group’. Responsibility for their implementation lies with the senior management of the respective divisions, regional subsidiaries and company locations.”

“Following consultation with the respective associate representatives, associates will be informed through the proper channels about the content of the above principles.""

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

“Bosch will not work with any suppliers who have demonstrably failed to comply with basic ILO labour standards.”

Dispute settlement:
“Complaints regarding possible breaches of the above principles will be investigated; any action required will be discussed and implemented by the senior management and associate representatives responsible. The Executive Committee of the Europa Committee of the Bosch Group will be informed about any complaints that cannot be dealt with satisfactorily at national level. If necessary, the implementation of this declaration will be discussed at meetings between the Board of Management and the Europa Committee.""

Related texts

Main topic

Social fundamental rights,

Secondary topic(s)

right to organise and to bargain collectively, health and safety/fair working conditions, equal opportunities.
