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Document relating to the dialogue between labour and management at the AXA Group in Europe



Date of signature

29 June 2009


Chairman of the Management Board (Directorate) of AXA S.A., French labour organisations and UNI

Key objectives

“The expertise, development and motivation of its workforce are essential for the AXA Group in its quest to become a global industry benchmark. Because it is striving to help allemployees develop their full potential, AXA intends to establish a strong corporate culture
and a set of ethics both of which spring naturally from its values – professionalism, innovation, pragmatism, team spirit and integrity.
The Group also intends to maintain constructive labour-management relations in every country in which it does business, and to do so with due respect for different national approaches to social dialogue.”


4 years
“This agreement is concluded for an indefinite term starting 01 December 2009.
It can be totally or partly terminated at any time, by registered letter by the first party to take action addressed to the other signatory parties, with six months' notice.”

Applicable law

“This agreement is governed by EU law, in particular by the EU Treaty, the Social Charter and European Directive No. 94/45 of September 22, 1994 and takes account of the new European Directive n° 2009/38 dated May 6 2009. Also, any difficulty which may arise in connection with its construction or application shall be resolved by European Community institutions.”

Implementation and dissemination

This agreement was prepared in several originals which shall be distributed as follows:
- three originals shall be filed with the Fifth Directorate of the European Commission,
- originals will be filed with each of the appropriate government authorities in the countries where AXA has operations (six originals for France, one original for each of the other European countries),
- one original shall be retained by each signatory Company (for France, the original shall be kept by the Group Human Resources Department), and may be examined by the signatories and employees (ten originals),
- one original shall be kept by the Group European Works Council in the office provided by the company for the Secretary.
In addition, once the Secretary has been appointed, the Secretary and a person authorised by the Chairman shall sign a number of originals equal to the number of organisations which sign the agreement (labour organisations, elected bodies, etc.). A copy of each of the documents signed shall be forwarded to each signatory organisation and shall constitute an original of this agreement.

Review and monitoring

“The G.E.W.C. may responsibly review and discuss at any time during its monthly meetings, the enactment of the commitments taken by AXA management, as contained in the present document and in other documents such as “AXA’s commitments”, in particular with respect to the quality of social dialogue. These are key elements in the AXA “Employer of choice” policy and are measured yearly by the “Scope” survey.

In the event of extraordinary circumstances (…) the G.E.W.C. Bureau may ask the Chairman, through the Secretary, to call a meeting.

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Agreement on AXA Group European Works Council

Main topic

Social dialogue,

Secondary topic(s)

major organisational changes, job security and search for alternative solutions, trade union recognition, health and safety, mobility, training, non discrimination.
