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Group Memorandum of Agreement on Equal Opportunities within the Areva Group in Europe



Date of signature

16 November 2010


Chair of the Executive Board of the AREVA Group, Deputy Secretary General European Metalworkers’ Federation (EMF)

Key objectives

“In the context of demographic change and skill development, AREVA has chosen to use this agreement to affirm and promote the principle of equal opportunities in the workplace. (…)”
“The aim of this Agreement is to:
- define the key principles of equal opportunities in the workplace, and the target procedures for local implementation in the various countries represented on the European Works Council,
- inform all employees of the Group’s commitments on equal opportunities and diversity,
- bring about a change in attitudes, by raising awareness among all those concerned by the implementation of the Agreement,
- guarantee equal opportunities and equal treatment (recruitment, promotion, pay, training, etc.)
- work in consultation with the members of the European Works Council, as part of a progress initiative, and set up relevant indicators for evaluating progress.”


3 years
“This agreement is valid for a period of 3 years.
It shall be tacitly renewed for periods of three years, unless terminated by one of the signatories by notification to the other, by registered letter at least 6 months before the end of a three-year term.
Throughout its duration, this Agreement may be revised by means of addenda to adapt it, particularly if the perimeter of the Group changes.”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The actual implementation of the undertakings on equal opportunities and diversity within the Group in Europe (EWC perimeter) depends upon coordination between the Group level and the companies and establishments locally.
The Parties agree on the need to achieve good communication between local/national and European bodies. Within this framework, once the Agreement has been signed, it was agreed that the commitments within this Agreement shall be implemented in the following stages:
- an information day will be held for the members of the EWC, to create the conditions necessary for implementing the Agreement in the European countries concerned. An information day will also be provided for the HR managers of these European countries.
- the appropriate legal structure (company/country) within each country represented on the European Works Council shall sign this agreement for transposition locally in accordance with national regulations.
- a local action plan will be drawn up within the entities concerned (see Article 4.2)”
“The units may choose two or three specific progress indicators, particularly from the list below, from action plans defined locally (within units or companies), to take account of the regulatory, economic and social context of each country and entity.”
See Amendment of the agreement on equal opportunities (ODEO)(2010), which specifies implementation procedures.

“This agreement will be translated into the languages of the States represented in the Committee, by authorised translators.”
“In order to achieve a lasting change in attitudes and behaviour towards equality in the workplace, communication and training initiatives directed at all Group staff are being undertaken to raise awareness among all concerned. For example, training on preventing discrimination and on the challenges of diversity may be offered, initially to the Management Boards, before the principle is extended to all staff.
This Agreement is being presented to the Management Boards and to all employees, particularly at annual company meetings and via other Group media (e.g. intranet), to encourage its appropriation by the European entities.”

Review and monitoring

“The principle of constructive social dialogue between staff representatives and members of the management is based on information and dialogue concerning the Group's economic and human issues.
Within this framework, the signatories agree to the setting up of a monitoring committee.
This monitoring committee will bring together AREVA's Human Resources Department, the members of the Select Committee and the EMF once a year, in order to evaluate the application of the agreement, particularly on the basis of the AREVA WAY indicators and those identified locally (see examples in Article 4.2).
They can also use this meeting to propose recommendations for improvement, if necessary.”

“Throughout its duration, this Agreement may be revised by means of addenda to adapt it, particularly if the perimeter of the Group changes.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

ODEO Open Dialogue through Equal Opportunities – Amendment of the agreement on equal opportunities within the Areva Group in Europe (2010)

Main topic

Equal opportunities,

Secondary topic(s)

gender equality, integration of disabled people, vocational training, mobility, provisions for parenthood/conciliation.
