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Agreement on minimum requirements for Plant level Joint H&S Committees at ArcelorMittal



Date of signature

03 June 2008


President and CEO of ArcelorMittal, Secretary General of the European Metalworkers Federation (EMF), President of United Steel Workers (USW), Secretary General of the International Metalworkers’ Federation (IMF)

Key objectives

“To set a minimum requirement to all AM Plants on how to establish joint Management and Worker Health and Safety Committees at Plant level.
To facilitate the active involvement of workers as well as management in improving occupational safety and health at the workplace.
To promote the idea of real social dialogue between local management and the workers’ representatives/trade unions on the prevention of safety risks and the protection of the workforce.”


4 years, renewable
“This agreement will be valid for a period of 4 (four) years from date of signing. It shall be tacitly renewed for periods of 4 (four) years, unless terminated by one of the signatories by notification of the others, by registered letter, at least 6 (six) months before the end of the four year period. […]”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The actual implementation of the agreement on health and safety committees has to be reached between the management and employee representatives/trade unions at site level, and should be done following local and/or national traditions and legislation.
Within this framework, once the agreement is signed, it is agreed that the commitments herein shall be implemented as follows;
• Each site will, where they do not exist, set up a Joint H&S committee as soon as practically possible
• Where H&S committees exist, they will investigate the elements of this agreement and the annexure and evaluate where, if any, they have to adapt their working method and/or structures to meet the requirements in this agreement.
• Each site will make an evaluation of this comparison and report to the Joint Global H&S Committee on what actions, if any, were undertaken
• Where adjustments are required an action plan to implement those will be developed.”

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

“In the absence of an already existing Grievance procedure safety complaints should first be raised with local management or committee members. If no action is taken senior management should be informed, if still no action is taking then Committee Members or Representatives can seek to involve the Joint Global Occupational Health and Safety Committee.”

Related texts

Worldwide Agreement on the Principles of Arcelor’s Corporate Social Responsibility (2005)
Terms of Reference for a Joint Global OSH Committee (2008)
Managing and Anticipating Change at ArcelorMittal (2009)

Main topic

Health and safety,

Secondary topic(s)

employee involvement, workers’ right to and responsibilities.
