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Managing & Anticipating change -ArcelorMittal



Date of signature

02 November 2009


GMB members of ArcelorMittal, Deputy Secretary General of the European Metalworkers Federation (EMF)

Key objectives

“The purpose of this agreement is to facilitate the management and the anticipation of change by promoting effective social dialogue with regards to changes within ArcelorMittal as well as accompanying tools to adapt together with the development of appropriate training policies.
It aims to:
• Safeguard and develop the competitiveness of the companies concerned and secure the sustainable development of their production activities in Europe,
• Preserve and develop the employability of the AM workers in Europe,
• Develop the workers’ required competences and skills so as to enable them to adapt to the new economic and strategic challenges.
The agreement lays down minimum principles, to which all companies included in the scope of this Agreement should refer, with a view to anticipating and managing change in a socially responsible manner, and which do not prevent those companies from developing this further at local level or from continuing to do so where it already exists.”


“This Agreement enters into force as from its signature for an indeterminate duration, except for chapter 1. Article 1.3. “Maintaining Purchasing Power”, which is valid for the duration of 1 year after signing the agreement, the duration which by mutual agreement can be extended.”
“This Agreement can, however, be terminated by either of the two parties with an advanced notice of 3 months during the first year and 6 months after, sent by registered mail with an acknowledgement of receipt addressed to the other party.”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“This agreement will be communicated to all workers of ArcelorMittal, following national practices and traditions.”
“This Agreement will be translated into all languages of the countries included in the scope of this Agreement.”

Review and monitoring

“The follow-up committees support the social dialogue laid out in the chapter 3.
Their mission is to identify existing problems and to propose possible solutions. They shall be the sole and exclusive bodies to supervise the implementation and interpretation of the Agreement. They shall issue a summary report twice a year.
At national level:
It is the main level of follow-up. A national follow-up committee is set up in each country included in the scope of this Agreement. It is composed in equal number of management representatives lead by the country HR coordinator, and of employee representatives (one representative by national trade union represented in ArcelorMittal group). This national follow-up committee is responsible for monitoring the implementation of this Agreement in its country. It can at all times recourse to the European follow-up committee to reinforce the follow-up of this Agreement.
At European level:
The Social Dialogue Group is acting as the follow-up committee at European level. It aims to forestall any difficulty through following implementation and anticipating possible issues. It meets quarterly. It receives the reports from the national committees to feed its work and cascades its conclusion to the national follow-up committees.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

“A conciliation body with equal representation on both sides was established at the ArcelorMittal headquarters in order to conciliate in any potential disputes resulting from the interpretation or implementation of this agreement.
Only this conciliation body can settle such a dispute and its decision is final. It is made up of the negotiating teams of this Agreement.
Where a member leaves the conciliation body, he/she will be replaced by his side, with respect of the balance in the conciliation body.
Before submitting the dispute to the conciliation body, management and trade unions should first address it through national follow up committees, following national practices and traditions.”

Related texts

Worldwide Agreement on the Principles of Arcelor’s Corporate Social Responsibility (2005)
Terms of Reference for a Joint Global OSH Committee (2008)
Agreement on Minimum Requirements for Plant Level Joint H&S Committees (2008)

Main topic

Anticipation of change,

Secondary topic(s)

organisation and skills development, strategic social dialogue, restructuring/job security, social dialogue.

