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Labour Management Agreement on Code of Conduct between Antara, Antara Employees' Union and UNI Global Uni



Date of signature

02 January 2000


President Director Antara, Chairman Antara Employees’ Union, Secretary General of UNI Global Union, Regional President UNI Global Union Asia Pacific

Key objectives

“This agreement materialises the objectives of the initiatives between Antara, Antara Employees’ Union and UNI Global Union to negotiate a Labour-Management Agreement on Code of Conduct and sign the Global Framework Agreement, which enshrines trade union, social and labour rights within Antara, at both national and international level.”
“Antara and its social partners (…) agreed to strengthen mutual partnership based on social dialogue (…).”
“Antara, Antara Employees’ Union and UNI Global Union agree to act based on the universally recognized principles on environmental, labour and human rights and to establish a framework to jointly promote the appropriate application of the following agreed principles…”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“Antara will provide information concerning this agreement to all offices inside and outside of the country.
Antara, Antara Employees’ Union and UNI Global Union shall be responsible for the administration and implementation of this agreement. They will engage in and pursue ongoing dialogue.
To ensure effective and appropriate application of this agreement, Antara Employees’ Union will put an effort into promoting the correct understanding of the contents of this agreement among the workers it represents and improving their ability to implement it.
To assist Antara apply this agreement, UNI Global Union will use its global network to provide the company with appropriate information.”

Review and monitoring

“Senior representatives of the two parties shall meet once a year to verify compliance with this agreement, share reports of new issues and update ways of cooperating.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“When any difference arises from the implementation of this agreement, which cannot be solved autonomously within the company, UNI Global Union will mediate with the parties in conflict and make the utmost effort to reach a peaceful solution.”

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental social rights,

Secondary topic(s)

sustainability, child labour, forced labour, freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, trade unions right, health and safety, non discrimination.