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European Charter on teleworking in the BNP Paribas Group


BNP Paribas

Date of signature

19 November 2021


Group HRD, Secretary of the European Works Council and 2 representatives of the European trade union federations Uni Finance and FECEC.

Key objectives

“(…), the Group wishes to develop the practice of teleworking in all the activities that allow it, with an increased number of teleworking as part of an effort for the digitalisation of working modes and the promotion of new ways of working.”

“The representatives of the European Works Council and the company's Management want this expansion of teleworking to take place within a common framework at the Group level in Europe that is formalised in a Charter.”


3 years

Implementation and dissemination

“This charter is implemented for a period of three years and applies within each country covered by the European Works Council once the organisational measures linked to the health crisis no longer apply. “

“This charter may be supplemented by companies that fall within the scope of the European Works Council, especially in order to respond to the specific characteristics of the company concerned, taking into account the practices and procedures already in place, local contexts and any laws specific to the different countries through more developed measures, and with the aim of not deviating from the provisions contained in this charter that may be less favourable”

Review and monitoring

“ln addition, monitoring the application of this charter will be carried out, each year, as part of a formai agenda item for one of the fully attended sessions of the European Group Committee.

This point will be preceded by a preparatory meeting with the members of the working group as well as the board of the European Group Committee, not included in the working group and representatives of the Management.

This monitoring will be based on annual indicators calculated by country within the scope of the European Committee, the target list of which could be as follows, subject to the technical feasibility of reporting:

- number of employees working remotely, including breakdown by gender,

- number of employees working remotely by type of schedules,

- average number of teleworking days over the year, number of times teleworking is used over the year,

- number of requests for teleworking not made over the year,

- number of employees teleworking covered by compensation for professional expenses/participatory meal expenses/access to preferential rates in terms of internet provision, etc.

The first follow-up meeting will take place during the spring 2022 session.

The addition of indicators related to teleworking will also be examined in the European Social Survey.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

No mention


Teleworking, equipment and compensation, data protection, psycho-social risks
