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Memorandum of Agreement/ Supplement to Global Framework Agreement on International Industrial Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility at ENI



Date of signature

3 December 2021


ENI management representative, General Secretary of IndustriAll Global Union, Italian unions (Filctem CGIL, Femca CISL, Uiltec UIL) representatives.

Key objectives

“The parties hereby agree that any form of violence and harassment in the workplace shall not be tolerated as at odds with their shared values.

To this end, in underlining the "zero tolerance" policy in the event of occupational harassment and violence and with the aim of protecting all people who, regardless of their contractual status, operate in these workplaces, including as regards Italy's ratification of ILO Convention No. 190 on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work, the parties have decided to update the international framework  agreement  (GFA)  and, more specifically,  the provisions of the clause "Combatting Violence and Harassment in the workplace".

“Eni forbids, without exception, every form of violence and harassment at work, including gender-based violence and harassment: it therefore offers extensive protection against such conduct particularly for women and those who are most vulnerable or in situations of greatest vulnerability.”


Same duration than the Global Framework Agreement signed on June 2019.

Implementation and dissemination

“Eni provides special reporting channels for timely handling of the situations reported and confirms that any reported episode of violence and harassment, including gender-based violence and harassment, will be duly investigated, guaranteeing confidentiality and protection against victimisation and retaliation of reporting persans, victims and witnesses.

Eni also confirms that it will implement, including through the use of special in­ house regulatory instruments, specific measures to prevent, recognise and tackle risks and episodes of workplace violence and harassment, including gender-based violence and harassment.”

Review and monitoring

In addition to the related provision included in the GFA, “(…), the parties confirm having implemented the provisions of ILO Convention No. 190 and ILO Recommendation No. 206 and agree to monitor the related regulatory instruments and to provide full information during the annual meetings.”

Dispute settlement

See the related clause in the GFA

Related texts

Agreement on transnational industrial relations and corporate social responsibility concluded by ENI with IndustriAll Global Union and Italian unions (June 21, 2019)

Main topic

ILO Convention 190, violence and harassment in the world of work

