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Memorandum of understanding concluded between Tesco and IUF



Date of signature

21 January 2022


Director Responsible Sourcing at Tesco, General secretary of the IUF

Key objectives

“This MoU is a joint commitment outlining how TESCO and IUF can work together to support workers’ rights globally, with a specific focus on how women in global foods supply chains can benefit from effective grievance mechanisms, freedom of association and trade union representation.”


36 months

Implementation and dissemination

“Under the terms of this memorandum of understanding TESCO and IUF seek, within the scope of this agreement, to:

- Work collaboratively to support workers to access effective representation.

- Jointly create a process for incident reporting that allows for effective resolution/remediation of identified issues.

- Identify opportunities for future joint activities and projects which focus on effectively reducing women’s vulnerability and increasing women’s voices and representation in the workplace.”

Review and monitoring

“The parties agree to use reasonable endeavours to:

- Have regular meetings between the senior management of TESCO and representatives from IUF at international, regional and national and company level (where applicable). The purpose of these meetings will review the current collaborative activities and agree new activities where applicable.

- Hold the above meetings three times a year (with the anticipation, where possible, of one physical meeting in an agreed venue and two virtual meetings), an agenda will be agreed 2 weeks before the meeting.


- Ongoing communications will be maintained through identified contact persons.

- That Tesco will only share specific information on individual suppliers, where they are permitted to do so under the contractual relationship with the supplier in question.”


Supply chain, reducing vulnerability of women to exploitation, abuse and all forms of harassment and discrimination
