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Worldwide Agreement on the Priciples of Arcelor`s Corporate Social responsibility



Date of signature

13 September 2005


Chairman of the Management Board and Executive Vice-President Human Resources of Arcelor SA, Secretary General of the European Metalworkers Federation (EMF), Steel Health and Safety Director of the International Metalworkers’ Federation (IMF)

Key objectives

“This agreement aims to support the ARCELOR Group’s increasing internationalisation in social matters, in accordance with its Principles of Responsibility, its Code of Ethics and its sustainable development policy, which aims to satisfy all its partners equitably. […]”


3 years.
“This agreement enters into force as from its signature for a limited duration of 3 years. (…)
It can be terminated by any of the signatory parties by registered letter, subject to an advance notice of three months.”

Applicable law

Luxembourg law
“This agreement is governed by Luxembourg law. Consequently, any disputes will fall within the exclusive competence of the Luxembourg courts.” (Art. 10. Validity of the Agreement)

Implementation and dissemination

“All of the signatory parties undertake to jointly bring this agreement to the knowledge of all the Group’s employees.
Group subsidiaries over which ARCELOR exercises a dominant influence ensure that the provisions of this agreement are implemented, while taking local factors (rules and practices) into consideration.
In the subsidiaries where the ARCELOR Group has a significant presence, but does not exercise a dominant influence, the signatory parties undertake to jointly put to use all of the resources at their disposal in order to promote the principles stated in this agreement.
ARCELOR supports and encourages its contractors and suppliers to take this agreement into consideration in their own company policy. This agreement is indeed considered a foundation favourable to mutual and sustainable relations.
In the event that an enterprise working at ARCELOR’s sites does not take part in programmes for effective improvement of occupational Health & Safety, ARCELOR will draw all the consequences in the context of their business relations, which could result in the termination of contractual relations.”

Review and monitoring

“The local representative authorities are first responsible for monitoring the implementation of this agreement. At Group level, a specific internal and mixed committee will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of this agreement. Within this committee, the Management Board will be represented by the Human Resources Director, who in the framework of these activities, will directly report to the Chairman of the Management Board. He will be assisted by the Human Resources Directors of the sectors and/or the regions concerned. Regarding the employees’ representatives, they will be represented by the Vice-Chairman of the European Works Council, by a representative appointed jointly by the IMF and the EMF and by a representative from each geographical area covered by this agreement, who will be appointed in accordance with local rules and practices.
ARCELOR will make available the necessary resources to implement and monitor this agreement.”

“It can be revised, by means of an amendment, in order to adapt it, in particular in the event of a change in the perimeter of the Group.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“(…) Any disputes will fall within the exclusive competence of the Luxembourg courts.”

Related texts

Agreement on Minimum Requirements for Plant Level Joint H&S Committees (2008)
Terms of Reference for a Joint Global OSH Committee (2008)
Managing and Anticipating Change at ArcelorMittal (2009)

Main topic

Fundamental social rights,

Secondary topic(s)

health and safety, environment sustainability, no discrimination, social dialogue, anticipation of change/strategic social dialogue, skills development.

