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Worldwide Agreement on Fundamental Labour Rights - France Telecom


France Telecom

Date of signature

21 December 2006


CEO and Senior Vice President of Human Resource and Poland operations of Groupe France Telecom, Secretary General of UNI, President of the ‘Alliance Syndicale Mondiale France Telecom’, Secretary General of F3C-CFDT, CGT, Federal Secretary of FO-COM

Key objectives

“The France Telecom Group applies its social responsibility as an international group by deploying a consistent worldwide social policy that recognise labour rights and respects the rights of individuals and labour organisations. Consequently, the company undertakes to respect and encourage the men and women throughout the world who work in the company, to make access to information as free as possible within the limits of business confidentiality and to apply equality in compliance with International Labour Organisation Standards, with the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and with the Global Compact.”


Indefinite“This agreement is signed for an indefinite period; it can be cancelled by either of the parties at three months' notice.”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The France Telecom Group's management and the Worldwide Trade Union Alliance will jointly ensure that this agreement is effectively implemented.
In companies where France Telecom Group has a significant presence without exercising direct control, the signatories undertake to promote the present agreement and to encourage its implementation, while respecting the independence of those companies.”

“The present agreement shall be made known to all the staff of the entities in the France Telecom Group and will be communicated to the management teams of all the subsidiaries concerned.”
“The agreement will be registered with the Paris Departmental Work, Employment and Professional Training Directorate (Direction Départementale du Travail de l’Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle de Paris).”

Review and monitoring

“Monitoring of the agreement and regular progress reports will be provided by the signatories in half-yearly meetings between the France Telecom Group Worldwide Trade Union Alliance-UNI and the Group's management. These reports will notably be based on indicators drawn from the corporate social responsibility reporting.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Conflict settlement:
“Should UNI or the France Telecom Group Worldwide Trade Union Alliance-UNI consider that this agreement or one of its principles is not applied in one of the Group's entities, they undertake to contact the France Telecom Group management before any outside communications so that the necessary discussions can take place. For its part, the Group undertakes to implement any measures necessary to ensure compliance with the content of this agreement.”

Related texts

Worldwide agreement on Works Council (2010)

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

right to organise and bargain collectively, trade union recognition (neutral position), forced labour, child labour, equal opportunities and non discrimination, health and safety, training, international mobility, working time limits and rest, fair remuneration, social support during restructuring.
